- The Carrot Flower Kingdom
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Jeff Mangum Original Drawings, 2005

Beginning mid-September 2005, original drawings by Jeff were sold on the official NMH website. While there were some similarities, every drawing was unique. This is a page for sharing those drawings.
If you have one and would like to offer it for inclusion on this page, please feel free to send in a jpg of it. A scan would be best, but a good digital photo would probably work in a pinch. And tell me your name if you'd like to be credited. defgav [at] yahoo [dot] com

(example from the website)

(example from the website)

(example from the website /  mayfly_wake)

(example from the website)

(example from the website)

(example from the website)

(submitted by brett)

(submitted by bulletproof)

  (submitted by Apple A Day)

(submitted by greenroots)

(submitted by Dave M. in Bristol, RI)

(submitted by Dave M. in Bristol, RI)

(an anonymously submitted digital photo)

(an anonymously submitted digital photo)

(an anonymously submitted digital photo)

(submitted by gustave )

(eBay'd by three.tea.breakfast)

(this drawing was given to the first 100 people who ordered the Jittery Joe's vinyl. The drawings were photocopied, but Jeff signed each individual copy)



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