- The Carrot Flower Kingdom
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Neutral Milk Hotel shop

official releases
Check the discography.. I've tried to include purchase links for all releases that are still available.
On Avery Island On Avery Island
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
out of print releases
eBay (auction site.. occasionally a great find will show up. the greater the demand for the item, the higher the price it'll sell for. Beware "live/demo" collections on eBay, as they're almost always cdrs burnt using mp3s that can be found online without much trouble. See below.)
GEMM (group of online merchants.. sometimes you can find something special in there)
Google (search engine.. search hard enough and you can find almost anything for sale)
Aeroplane book
Neutral Milk Hotel's In the Aeroplane Over The Sea book
Charity - The Carrot Flower Kingdom
nmh releases // compilations // misc. / other // related / guest // gigography // bootography // song index // news // everything else // links